More than a pet, a brother
When I was a kid I really wanted spiders as pets, or snakes, what was impossible because my grandma has phobia, but I wanted it. Every time I asked for a pet my mom comes with a chicken or a fish, but I really don't like it (a fish, really? Who has a fish as a pet?, you can't play with a fish..*duh*). Anyways, my childhood has no pets.
But, when I was 17 years old I adopted a hedgehog called "Zeus", it was white and chubby, with red eyes and kind of blind, but I loved it.
Having a hedgehog was a challenge, because the money, taking cares and the hedgehog culture (I was not getting into hedgehog's culture when I adopted it) so I decided to give it to a friend, who loves hedgehogs and who has knowledge about the topic.
3 years after (December 2019), I adopted another hedgehog and I called it "Pepe", please guys, don't ask me why because I don't know, but it was its name. It's a long story and I don't like to talk about it, but Pepe was with me only for 2 months.. yes, Pepe died...
Nowadays I don't want pets. I think pets are more than pets.. pets are "brothers" (chimuelo's video) but I think I'm not the guy for one of it.
I like Pepe with name for a hedgehog; anyway, recognizing not being ready for a pet is something very responsible.